“The Mineral Point Opera House is of critical importance to our local economy. It not only drives tourists to town, who then spend money on lodging, restaurants, and in our shops and galleries, but it also brings locals downtown for school plays, movies, and live performances. Supporting the Opera House is good for all our businesses.”

Cory Bennett, Executive Director,
Mineral Point Chamber of Commerce

Your financial support is the lifeblood of the Mineral Point Opera House. Without it, we simply cannot bring you the entertainment you’re used to seeing on our stage.

Please consider giving generously to the Mineral Point Opera House. If you cannot afford to give a financial donation, please consider a donation of your time and volunteer for one or more of our events.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, and our staff and volunteers, we thank you for your legacy of support – yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Very sincerely yours,

Bill Webb
President, Board of Directors
Mineral Point Opera House
