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Mr. Chair & Leslie Damaso

Friday, May 31 @ 7:30 pm

Date & Time

May 31, 7:30 pm


Mr. Chair is a multi-genre group from Madison, Wisconsin that plays a mix of rock, jazz, modern classical and contemporary improv-based styles. Their musical explorations over the last few years include a diversity of original compositions, re-imaginings of iconic classical works such as Stravinsky’s Pulcinella, serving as the “house band” for university lectures on cosmology and collaborations with dancers, visual artists, and hip hop/spoken word artists.

Now, they are bringing their futuristic multi-genre twist to 19th century songs of the Philippines called kundiman with vocalist Leslie Damaso.

Ben Ferris, bass
Mark Hetzler, trombone
Michael Koszewski, percussion
Jason Kutz, keyboard

$15 students
$20 adults