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Halloween Movie and Costume Contest for Kids

Saturday, October 27 @ 10:00 am

Date & Time

Oct 27, 10:00 am

Movie Info


Sponsored by Mineral Point Kiwanis and Key Clubs and the Mineral Point Public Library

It’s time to start thinking of great Halloween costume ideas for kids!

The Mineral Point Kiwanis and Key Clubs and the Mineral Point Public Library, thanks to the generous usage of the Mineral Point Opera House, are sponsoring a children’s Halloween free movie and costume contest on the morning of Saturday, October 27.

Beginning at 10 am sharp, children’s costumes will be judged. Prizes will be donated by various businesses.

While the results are tabulated, youngsters will be treated to a short Halloween kids movie.

At the conclusion of the movie, the winners will be announced. Each participating child will receive a treat.

Please join us!