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Thursday, September 20 @ 7:00 pm

RUDY, Sean Astin (center), 1993, ©TriStar Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

Date & Time

Sep 20, 7:00 pm

Movie Info


Thursday Night Movies
Rudy Ruettiger (Sean Astin) wants to play football at the University of Notre Dame, but has neither the money for tuition nor the grades to qualify for a scholarship. Rudy redoubles his efforts to get out of the steel mill where his father works when his best friend (Christopher Reed) dies in an accident there. Overcoming his dyslexia thanks to his friend and tutor, D-Bob (Jon Favreau), Rudy gains admission to Notre Dame and begins to fight his way onto the school’s fabled football team. 1993 Rated PG
Tickets: $5.00, $2.50 children 12 and under, available at the door.