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Once Upon a Mattress

November 16 – November 18


Friday, 11/16 – Sunday, 11/18


Mineral Point High School Musical
Once Upon a Mattress by Rodgers and Hammerstein
Friday, Nov. 16th 7pm
Saturday, Nov. 17th 7pm
Sunday, Nov. 18th 2pm

“If you thought you knew the story of ‘The Princess and The Pea,’ you may be in for a walloping surprise! Did you know, for instance, that Princess Winnifred actually swam the moat to reach Prince Dauntless the Drab? Or that Lady Larken’s love for Sir Harry provided a rather compelling reason that she reach the bridal altar post haste? Or that, in fact, it wasn’t the pea at all that caused the princess a sleepless night? Carried on a wave of wonderful songs, by turns hilarious and raucous, romantic and melodic, this rollicking spin on the familiar classic of royal courtship and comeuppance provides for some side-splitting shenanigans. Chances are you’ll never look at fairy tales quite the same way again.”
~The Rodgers and Hammerstein Organization

Queen Aggravain: Megan Berg
Princess Winnifred: Sage Shemak
Prince Dauntless: Owen Stephenson
King Sextimus: Cody Pierce
Jester: Jenna Wedig
Minstrel, Jazmine Cool
Lady Larken: Michaela Acherman
Sir Harry: Daniel Nordstrom
Wizard: Jake Klein
Lady Rowena: Alexis Berget
Lady Merrill: Callie Pierce
Lady Lucille: Desirae Hill
Lady Mabelle: Sadie Owens
Nightingale: Rita Wilson
Princess No. 12: Alexis Sommerfeld
Ladies of the Court: Morgan Vondra, Ella Fox, Kelsie Wilson, Rita Wilson, Alexis Sommerfeld, Sadie Owens, Alexis Berget, Callie Pierce, Desirae Hill

Haydn Marr
Bryn Pierce-Ingwell
Keira Schrank
Blair Watters

Bodhi Logueflower
Brady Palzkill
Caleb Wersal
Hope Wilson

Make-up, Hair, Costumes:
Grace Engels
Makenna Ferrell
Rebecka Orsburn
Chloe Thomas
Hope Wilson

Ms. Ashley McHugh: Head Advisor, Vocal Music, Choreography
Mr. Jason Smith: Acting, Staging, Props
Mr. Bill Duwell: Set Design, Construction, Backstage
Ms. Cindy Monroe: Costume, Hair, Make Up
Mr. Jeff David: Technical Booth
Mr. Matt Nevers: Pit Orchestra