MPOH Marquee Dismantled for Safety Reasons

As most of you have probably noticed, the front of our building above the theater doors looks very different. The time has finally come where we had no choice but to have our marquee removed.
The City of Mineral Point Property Committee acted upon recommendations from an engineering firm and a local building expert who felt the structure could not bear another winter of snow, ice and runoff. The marquee, made chiefly of wood, has suffered water damage and general age-related deterioration through the years. The evidence of wear, harsh weather, moisture, birds nesting and exposure has taken its toll. Much of the actual framework and wooden boards that make up the marquee are original, dating back to 1915. The design has been altered through the years, with the most recent decorative woodwork being updated in the late 90’s. Underneath it all are original steel beams and six sets of metal chains that suspend it from the front of the building. Those are still intact and will have to be evaluated to determine if they are still viable to hold a future marquee.
The board of the Opera House, the nonprofit who runs the theater operations and leases the municipal building from the City of Mineral Point, received design ideas from a sign company for a beautiful, well-lit, updated marquee complete with lighted Mineral Point Opera House lettered signage and room at the sides and front to highlight the events currently showing and those upcoming. The idea is to have a true lighted marquee with movable lettering to showcase the theater and light up the building front, adding a vibrant, well-lit presence in the center of downtown. The board has turned these ideas over to the Mineral Point City Property Committee, and the city has received preliminary approval for the proposed design from the Historic Preservation Commission.
Currently, the City is looking at gathering information from various engineering and sign companies for further evaluations and cost. The Mineral Point Opera House board will work with the city as this project moves forward. Financing consideration for this project will need to go through the City Finance Committee. For now, the theater remains closed due to COVID-19, and we are closely monitoring state guidelines for reopening large group gathering places. Please check our website and Facebook page for updates.
MPOH Marquee Dismantled for Safety Reasons
September 17, 2020
MPOH Links With Independent Theater Lobbying Organization
April 27, 2020